SIPCHA was first created when our founders who have regular travel bugs came back to be disappointed to find no bubble tea offering in Manchester. Instantly realising that in order to satisfy their cravings they must make their own!

Through their passion to share their favourite drink to the UK, they both quit their jobs. Spending hours creating and developing drinks using their friends and families as guinea pigs. They researched and travelled to the birthplace of bubble tea (Taiwan) to gain knowledge and ideas.

Bobo Tea was born in August 2011 (Bobo Tea is SIPCHAs’ original name) and rapidly began converting traditional tea drinkers to fun, fresh and delicious drinks made with quality ingredients.


As the original bubble tea offering in Manchester, SIPCHA strive to be innovative in the drinks and desserts category. The menu is regularly developed to provide new and interesting drinks/desserts. 

From the beginning, the founders knew that in order to succeed they has to stand out. They focused on quality, passion and customer service ensuring each team member carries these values - but what dothey mean?


Our drinks mean something to us. We take extra care to source responsibly and use quality ingredients. We batch make teas and tapioca throughout the day to ensure freshness. Serving each drink with pride.


Our team love to share their passion for our products. We thrive off seeing people’s happy faces at first sip! Our passion drives us forward to be different from normal and set us apart.


Over the years, Bobo Tea have done very little marketing - we believe that our strongest marketing strategy comes from word of mouth from our customers. Therefore, customer service is something we take very seriously. We want each customer leaving 100% happy and satisfied! That’s a promise!